the manufacture of fish products

Aquatic product finishing workshop has higher requirements on sanitation. From the direct contact surface, to personnel hygiene, to the space environment, there are requirements on the level of microbial control.
- air sterilizer
- hand washing
- Mobile foam cleaning machine
- Clean Tool Rack Cart
air sterilizer
It is recommended to configure an air sterilizer in high-clean areas such asfinishing workshops and inner packaging areas: the reasons are as follows:
- The high-clean area should control the microbial level in the workshop environment, which also includes the maintenance of air cleanliness
- Some areas in the high-cleaning area sometimes work for a long time, and it is impossible to carry out post-shift disinfection in time
- The area of high cleanliness is often relatively small. Using an air disinfector can increase the local ozone concentration in a small area to achieve more thorough disinfection
- Improving the air quality of the material buffer room through the purifying area
hand washing
Hands are very important food contact surfaces in high-clean areas where manual operations are performed.During fish processing,especially for the instant food,hand washing have to keep with high frequency.hand washing facilities has the advantages:
- So small to save the space
- Easy to move as All-in-one
- Well chemical controlled
- Touch free operation ensures a maximum level of hygiene
Mobile foam cleaning machine
Mobile foam cleaning machine isusefulin themanufacture of fishworkshop , because it has these advantages:
- Boost water up to 25 bar
- Flushing, cleaning and disinfection integration
- During production, no space is occupied
Clean Tool Rack Cart
The workshop is cleaned during the shift and thoroughly after the shift, and may need to use many cleaning tools. At this time, the cleaning rack is a good choice
Freestanding Mobile Clean Tool Stations
- Helps with colour differentiation for cross-contamination prevention
- Mobile for maximum flexibility in the use of the washroom
- Solving the problem of storing cleaning tools and avoiding their re-contamination